
Exception classes used in DiffSync.

exception diffsync.exceptions.DiffClassMismatch

Bases: DiffException

Exception raised when a diff object is not the same as the expected diff_class.

exception diffsync.exceptions.DiffException

Bases: Exception

Base class for various failures related to Diff operations.

exception diffsync.exceptions.ObjectAlreadyExists(message: str, existing_object: DiffSyncModel | DiffElement, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: ObjectStoreException

Exception raised when trying to store a DiffSyncModel or DiffElement that is already being stored.

__init__(message: str, existing_object: DiffSyncModel | DiffElement, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Add existing_object to the exception to provide user with existing object.

exception diffsync.exceptions.ObjectCrudException

Bases: Exception

Base class for various failures during CRUD operations.

exception diffsync.exceptions.ObjectNotCreated

Bases: ObjectCrudException

Exception raised if an object Create operation failed.

exception diffsync.exceptions.ObjectNotDeleted

Bases: ObjectCrudException

Exception raised if an object Delete operation failed.

exception diffsync.exceptions.ObjectNotFound

Bases: ObjectStoreException

Exception raised when trying to access a DiffSyncModel that isn’t in storage.

exception diffsync.exceptions.ObjectNotUpdated

Bases: ObjectCrudException

Exception raised if an object Update operation failed.

exception diffsync.exceptions.ObjectStoreException

Bases: Exception

Base class for various failures during object storage in local caches.

exception diffsync.exceptions.ObjectStoreWrongType

Bases: ObjectStoreException

Exception raised when trying to store a DiffSyncModel of the wrong type.